Wednesday, January 13, 2010

About Me and My Kids - FIRST POST

Hi. I'm a 43 year-old Dad.

A Dad of two kids... two VERY YOUNG kids, one and three. And this is a blog about my life with those kids.....

See, I used to have a big time job managing hundreds of people, having important conversations with important people. Then I got laid off, and I became... Dad.

My wife is still a mover and a shaker, a big-wig with a blackberry in her hand all day long. She leaves for work early and comes home late. She travels a lot. That leaves me as the main parent in my kids lives. And this blog is about my adventures with the little ones. The good, the bad, and the diapers.

Don't get me wrong, my kids are great. I love my kids and would do anything for them. But they're, you know, kids. Very young kids. Play dates, sippy cups, naps, bath time, tantrums, you name it. And I will.

It's funny. When I got laid off, I thought, this will be a great opportunity to connect with my kids in a way I have never done. But I got much more than I bargained for. I know there every move, every movement, every bowel movement, before they do. I cant help but laugh at the fact that... I'm Dad.

The truth is, I'm not really the best parent for kids this young. I can't wait for baseball practice, European vacations, alumni parent's weekend, and watching the Godfather movies with them. But they're not there yet, and wont be for a decade. I do my best to keep them safe and healthy and to keep my sanity.

No nanny, no grandma, no break from the mundane life of young toddlers. Just a Dad and his Kids.